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T-Shirt Beware the return of... Thor

Artikel-Nr.:  1245110110 EAN: 4250673420698
15,99 € *

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T-Shirt: Beware the return of... Thor Beidseitig bedrucktes, schwarzes T-Shirt.... mehr
Produktinformationen "T-Shirt Beware the return of... Thor"

T-Shirt: Beware the return of... Thor
Beidseitig bedrucktes, schwarzes T-Shirt.

Bild mit Thor
Text in Runenschrift:
Beware the return of our mighty Gods

Proud Mighty Superior
We march all as titans
In a storm of fury, violence and lust
Through mountain,
Through forest, o'er sea
We sojourn,
Follow each strike of Mjöllnir
Cross torch lit night.
Hew, hack, slay -
In red battle rage
Revendicate, through the strength
Of iron and blood.
Read them we shall
As an autumn harvest.
Beware The Return Of
The Northern Gods!" 

Copyright 2009 by Utgard Wear

- Material: 100% Baumwolle (190g/qm)
- waschbar bei 40°C

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