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DVD: The Fighting Machete

Artikel-Nr.:  CST-VDFM EAN: 705442007104
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DVD - The Fighting Machete - von Cold Steel Auf diesen Lehr-DVDs bringt Dir der Präsident... mehr
Produktinformationen "DVD: The Fighting Machete"
DVD - The Fighting Machete
- von Cold Steel

Auf diesen Lehr-DVDs bringt Dir der Präsident von Cold Steel Lynn C.Thompson bei, das volle Selbstverteidigungspotential der Machete auszuschöpfen.

Diese DVD ist nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.


Machetes are some of the most common and useful tools in the world. They are used on ranches, farms and orchards, and wherever thick brush or dense jungle abound, their long wide blades get the job done.
But the Machete is more than just a tool. In a self defense emergency, it can also double as a big knife or short sword capable of cutting, slashing, smashing or piercing just about anything in its path. In this instructional DVD series, Lynn Thompson teaches you how to harness the full self defense potential of these versatile blades.

Here are some of the topics covered:
- Advantages and disadvantages of the machete as a weapon
- How to choose a machete, sharpen it and customize it
- How to grip your machete and carry and conceal it
- Multiple on-guard stances and common faults to avoid
- Footwork - Over 26 footwork techniques are taught!
- 7 methods of employing the point of your machete - including reverse grip methods
- 13 methods of employing the razor edge of your machete
- Hitting, smashing and hammering utilizing the flat of the blade and spine of your machete
- Defensive tactics utilizing footwork and avoidance patterns
- 13 ways to use your machete to block or parry incoming attacks
- Defeating disarm attempts
- Defeating the charge on take-down attempts
- Fighting from the standing grapple (clinch)
- How to create and identify an opening in an opponent's defense
- And much much more...    

Sprache: Englisch
Laufzeit: ca. 9 Std.

Warnung: Enthält möglicherweise extreme Szenen, die einige Zuschauer als schockierend empfinden könnten.

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