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DVD: Self Defense with the Sjambok

Artikel-Nr.:  CST-VDFSK EAN: 705442006398
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DVD - Self Defense with the Sjambok - von Cold Steel Auf diesen Lehr-DVDs bringt Dir der... mehr
Produktinformationen "DVD: Self Defense with the Sjambok"
DVD - Self Defense with the Sjambok
- von Cold Steel

Auf diesen Lehr-DVDs bringt Dir der Präsident von Cold Steel Lynn C.Thompson bei, wie Du die Sjambok - eine afrikanische Peitsche, auch als Nilpferdpeitsche bekannt - einsetzen kannst, um Dich, Deine Familie und Deine Freunde zu beschützen.

Diese DVD ist nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.


In addition to its use as a cattle prod, whip, and a means of self protection, the African Sjambok is also known as a formidable snake killer. Its considerable reach, lightning speed and devastating impact make child's play of dispatching some of the biggest snakes. And you can imagine how devastatingly effective it is on two-legged predators as well. A light blow can raise a serious welt while a heavy stroke can cut through thick clothing as efficiently as a razor, leaving a fearsome yet non-lethal wound.

In this DVD, Lynn Thompson, President of Cold Steel and Chief Instructor of the training division, will teach you how to use the sjambok to defend yourself and your loved ones.

Here's just a partial list of the subjects covered:
- Advantages of the Sjambok as a weapon
- Training equipment and safety
- Gripping methods
- Fighting stances
- Footwork
- One and two handed striking methods
- Pommel strikes
- Pushing, pulling, and hooking
- Encircling, trapping, tripping, and uprooting
- Smashing, choking, and sawing
- Using footwork to avoid blows
- Defending your weapon hand, stop hitting, counter slashing, parrying, blocking, using the empty hand
- Defeating disarm attempts
- Defeating the charge
- Defeating the standing grapple
- Strategy 

Sprache: Englisch
Laufzeit: ca. 4 Std. 45 Min.

Warnung: Enthält möglicherweise extreme Szenen, die einige Zuschauer als schockierend empfinden könnten.

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