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DVD: Fighting with the Saber and Cutlass

Artikel-Nr.:  CST-VDFSC EAN: 705442005940
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109,99 € *

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DVD - Fighting with the Saber and Cutlass - von Cold Steel Diese Lehr-DVDs wurden als ein... mehr
Produktinformationen "DVD: Fighting with the Saber and Cutlass"
DVD - Fighting with the Saber and Cutlass
- von Cold Steel

Diese Lehr-DVDs wurden als ein seriöser Kursus konzipiert, der sich mit der Kampftechniken und -anwendung von Säbel und Cutlass (Entermesser) beschäftigt.

Diese DVD ist nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.


Fighting with the Saber and Cutlass is really not for people who are only interested in gaining dexterity in sport fencing or the learning the superficial choreographic techniques used for stage and screen. There are plenty of resources available on the market for learning those skills. This DVD set is designed as a serious, straightforward and focused course that deals solely with the combative use of the saber and cutlass.

The series begins by illustrating how to properly oppose an opponent who is armed with a weapon that is similar to your own. This is the best way to build the necessary foundation of skills, techniques and eye-hand coordination that will allow you to oppose a wide spectrum of adversaries who are armed with all kinds of street weapons.

After learning and refining your basic skills, you will be ready to progress to the seldom taught subjects of infighting, grappling, and brawling with a saber. There is even a section on how to throw a saber with great effect in a combat situation.

Covered Topics:
- Gripping methods
- Ready stance or on guard position
- Footwork methods
- Fighting ranges
- 7 primary cutting methods
- 5 primary thrusting methods
- 8 essential parries
- Cut, thrust and parry drills
- Ripostes
- Combat strategy
- How to recognize and create openings
- Infighting
- Grappling
- Brawling
- Throwing the saber or cutlass 

Sprache: Englisch
Laufzeit: ca. 6 Std.

Warnung: Enthält möglicherweise extreme Szenen, die einige Zuschauer als schockierend empfinden könnten.

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